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Industry | Geography | Food | Social and Cultural Life | History of Kocaeli

Industrial City

An industrial powerhouse with excellent logistical links , Kocaeli also boasts a wealth of human resources and culture .

Throughout history , Kocaeli has been a gateway for Europe , the Middle East and Asia as well as a crucial trade centre for the Eastern -Roman empire and the capital of the Kingdom of Bithynia

Today , along the commercially active Black Sea and Marmara Sea shorelines , Kocaeli boasts five ports and 35 industrial docks , making it a logistics haven and an opening to the global markets . The main transportation routes form an intercontinental passage . Neighbouring one of the world's largest metropolitan centres , Istanbul , and close to two international airports , 45km and 80km from the city centre , Kocaeli is home to approximately 1.3 million people and is one of the most densely populated cities of Turkey with 344 people per square kilometre. It is the richest province in Turkey with a GDP per - capita level of $7565. The Turkish navy's home base is also situated in Kocaeli, demonstrating the province's strategic military importance .

Industry Based Economy

The defining characteristic of Kocaeli, however , is that it is a " city of industry and investments ". Almost without a match globally , 73% of Kocaeli's GDP is generated from the manufacturing industry . The province's industry - based economy accounts for 13% of Turkey's industrial production ; 22% of its intermediate goods , 10% of its investment goods and 3% of its consumer goods are produced in the province . Kocaeli produces the equivalent in value - added to the total of Turkey's 59 provinces and has a GDP equal to the total of 25 provinces

Automotive Hot Spot

In the past few years , the province has developed into a hot spot for the automotive industry , with investments by the sector's big names , such as Ford, Hyundai, Honda and Isuzu . The premier league of the tyre and rubber sector ( Goodyear , Pirelli , Lassa and Bridgestone ) are also in production here . Today , Kocaeli hosts 1200 industrial investments , 108 of them established with international capital . Turkey's largest enterprise , Tüpras Petroleum Refinery Plant , is also located in Kocaeli and the province claims 27% of the national chemical industry

Eighteen of the country's 100 largest enterprises are also based in Kocaeli, and another strong indicator is that the province collects 17%-18% of the national tax revenues .

In terms of commerce , 45,000 firms are active in Kocaeli and it has five shopping malls serving the area . Kocaeli also has strong potential in terms of foreign trade . Exports exceed $7-$8bn and imports are equal to $17-$18bn. These are reflected in the high volumes of goods seen in local ports and roads , illustrating Kocaeli's strategic geographical importance and logistics .

Kocaeli's local industry is certified with national and international quality awards . The province's point of reference and its leading organisation , Kocaeli Chamber of Industry , has been awarded both the National Quality Award and the EFQM's European Quality Award .